What is a "cleanup"?
A cleanup is an activity where you go out alone or with other people to remove litter from nature. The size of a cleanup can range from 1 person to hundreds of people. Usually a cleanup takes 1 to 2 hours, and you walk about 3 to 5 kilometers. Does this seem like something for you? Below we have explained in 5 steps how you can make your cleanup a success. Not all of these steps are applicable if you keep your cleanup small - meaning alone or with some friends.
Organize your cleanup in 5 steps

1. Pick a date and place
As soon as you know that you want to organize a cleanup, it is best to set a date. River Cleanup has several dates each year that you can join, such as River Cleanup Day or World Cleanup Day (September). Then, chose the starting location of your cleanup and determine your route, ideally along a stretch of river, lake, or waterway nearby and determine your starting location. Ideally, your route is 3-5 km long.

2. Register your cleanup
Click on the button below to register your cleanup. After your cleanup is registered, you will be redirected to a webpage for your cleanup.

3. Promote your cleanup
Share your cleanup by email, on your website (if you have one), on social media, and invite friends, family, colleagues, clients,... to participate. Create a facebook event and include a link to your cleanup page. The more the merrier!

4. Involve your municipality / city
Inform your local municipality or city council about your action and discuss with them where the waste can be picked up (1 place, max 3 days after your cleanup). Ask for support in promoting your event through their channels (website, magazines, social media, posters).

5. Order your material
Also check with the municipality if they can lend you equipment (garbage bags, gloves and grabbers). Count on 1 pair / 1 bag per person. River Cleanup can also provide free equipment through our partners for cleanups as from 10 people, at least 3 weeks before the cleanup.
Tips and tricks
Enjoy a drink afterwards
Have your route end at your organization or near a restaurant/cafe, so you can have a drink with all the participants.
For extra information, read the brochures you can download below!