Innovative solutions for 
plastic free European rivers


What is the INSPIRE Europe project?

INSPIRE is a four-year project (2023-2027), funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe program, that will contribute to the Green Deal targets and EU Mission to restore the ocean and waters by 2030. INSPIRE will contribute to the specific targets of this Mission.

Demo site - Temse

The Scheldt river is selected as one of the 6 rivers where the INSPIRE project will be carried out. We identified Temse as the ideal demo site for the activities of the project. From 2024 to 2026, we will monitor the plastic waste along the river bank, prevent new plastic waste from being generated, and collect existing plastic from the river and city.

You can participate in this project!

Join a cleanup

We'll be organizing monthly cleanup volunteering activities. Have a look on the map below or at the upcoming events. You can register for free and help us make Temse a cleaner place!

Upcoming events

Toon acties uit het verleden

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding under grant agreement No 101112879 (INSPIRE)"